Saturday, 19 October 2013

Not One, But Two New iPhones!

After months of rumours and seemingly endless speculation Apple have finally revealed what we have been anticipating to see, the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C.

The iPhone 5C is considered to be a ‘cheaper’, more affordable option compared to the previous iPhone’s. Having a body coated in colourful plastic Apple reassuringly state, ‘Colour. Yet another reason to love an iPhone’. Coming in five anything-but-shy colours, suitably labelling it as the most colourful iPhone yet. Demanding you to make a statement with their new iPhone 5C coming in colours such as, blue, green, pink, yellow and white. The ‘cheaper’ iPhone 5C ironically comes with a lavishly steep price tag being £469, still being twice as expensive as the Google Nexus 4- an Android smartphone with comparable features.

The iPhone 5S introduces the start of excitable futuristic technology with a fingerprint identity sensor that lets you unlock the phone without entering a password. “It simply makes more sense to teach iPhone how to take a great picture rather than teach people how to be expert photographers.” Apple daringly declares, as the world’s most popular camera gets even better. Ultra fast wireless is another thing Apple hasn’t hesitated to howl to the public, as the new Phone 5S supports more networks than ever before. So now, even more of us can experience fast download and upload speeds, that’s if you purchase one. As well as costing near enough £549 the iPhone 5S is available in three elegant expressions being gold, silver and space grey.

Apple hope that this ‘less expensive’ iPhone  5C could aid them in competing with other handset companies, such as, Samsung and Nokia, as more than half of all smartphones sold so far this year were Android handsets.

So do you think you’ll be investing in the new iPhones? 

Lolly Atherton, year 13