Wednesday, 15 October 2014


By Kyra Balderstone

Today in aid of World mental health day, I sported my red button in aid of anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of worry and nervousness for fears and just panicking in general. Believe it or not, 1 in 6 people experience anxiety at least once in their life. There are many different symptoms of anxiety which can include:

·         Feeling frightened, nervous or panicky all the time

·         Feeling down or depressed

·         Having difficulties sleeping and eating

·         Difficulty to concentrate on things

·         Feeling tired and irritable

·         The racing of your heart

·         A dry mouth, trembling

·         Faintness

·         Stomach cramps

·         Diarrhoea

This campaign was originally made by beauty blogger and Youtuber Zoella (a.k.a Zoe Sugg) because she is the new ambassador of mental health. Zoe herself suffers from quite severe anxiety and panic attacks and likes to raise awareness by posting videos on her channel and writing passages on her blog.
Zoe told her viewers on her daily vlog to wear a red button if you suffered from anxiety or knew someone who did, take a picture and upload it onto social media with the hashtag: #dontpanicbutton

The red buttons symbolize solidarity and also to help raise awareness of mental health issues. The symbol is a red button because a red button is normally considered a symbol of emergency and panic like a fire alarm or an emergency button in a lift. So to try and raise awareness Zoe and the mental health charity Mind took the button and have adapted its meaning.
I sported my button today, did you? Will you be inspired and raise awareness?