This blog was created to showcase work produced by the
members of Young Journalist Academy at Boston High School. Alongside our school
news which is published on the Boston High School website, we write articles on
a range of recent events both locally and nationally on topics such as
entertainment, technology and sports. We will have regular columnists to
provide their individual styles of writing to the blog along with reviewers to
advise you about which films, TV shows and books to enjoy next.
Additionally, we have our own Youtube channel where you can
watch the members’ filming, presenting and editing skills being used in
insightful videos. When a new video is uploaded, an additional post will be
placed on the blog to send you directly to the Youtube page. Furthermore, our
radio presenters produce informative radio shows including interviews, general
news and even debates on various topics. Likewise, a podcast will be linked
onto the blog for you to gain easy access to listen to the shows.
We hope you enjoy our content!
YJA Team