Monday, 6 October 2014

Autumn Awareness – How to keep your pets safe this season

By Pippa Wilson
The trees are browning, the weather is turning colder and the 5th of November traditionally translates to millions of cats and dogs cowering under sofas and stools wondering what all the commotion is about...

Fireworks tend to be extremely stressful for your pet as they are loud, unexpected and cause them to feel anxious and vulnerable. We don’t often realise that dogs can not only hear the loud banging, they can also sense the vibrations, making the whole firework display a very traumatic affair!

The best way to calm your pet is to close the curtains, put the light on and play some music to mask the sounds of the fireworks outside. If your pet sees you are anxious, it will display similar signs so the best idea is to ignore the fireworks. Pretend they aren’t happening and your pet may believe that too!
The use of calming pheromone diffusers are becoming increasing popular as they help your pet feel calmer and safer. Adaptil for dogs and Feliway for cats are recommended to be used at least 48 hours before the fireworks are due to start.

Fleas and ticks are also a massive issue for cats and dogs in the autumn; they thrive in long grass and woodland areas so are easily transferred onto your pet’s fur. Make sure your brush your pet after any possible contact with fleas and keep up to date with your pet’s regular flea treatment.
Having a quick chew on a conker is also a big no-no! Conkers, acorns and fallen fruits can cause stomach upsets so make sure you don’t let your dog sneak one into his bed to nibble on!

All in all, as long as your pet is clean, calm and conker free, you should be in for a wonderful autumn!