Suggested as a venue
to the BBC, they chose our privileged school to host the popular TV show ready
to air at 10.30pm the very same night. Arriving at school in the morning, I saw
an influx of vans with large aerials attached, obviously there to assist in the
production of the filming. As an aspiring Media Production undergraduate this
was something that I found extremely exciting and was thrilled when I, along
with others, got the chance to take part in the setting up of the show and the
The BBC kindly allowed Boston High School students to engage in various
activities throughout the day including getting to experience and see what the
mobile studio, in which the floor manager referred to as a scanner, looks like
inside. The LYJA team themselves got to interview the renowned Question Time
host himself, David Dimbleby, something that was very fascinating for them as
they were able to find out the nitty and gritty details of work within the
media! You can watch the interview for yourself by clicking on the video at the end of this article.
Haydon Risbridger and I found ourselves extremely fortunate as we were
not only part of the LYJA team but also part of the six A Level Media Studies
students who were able to sit in during the rehearsal and witness the
preparation of the opening and end credits to the show. Whilst I sat in the
mock audience blissfully unaware of what to expect next, Haydon had a very
lucky opportunity and did an interview on Radio 5 Live about his experience of
the day so far… something that he is extremely proud of and excited about.
Molly Maddison, Year 13